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Career-long professional learning

You do not need prior dance experience to get the most from these sessions. Working from the premise that we all love to boogie but very few of us enjoy anyone watching, Dawn works to ensure that everyone is comfortable and supported at their level without any pressure to 'show the others’.  


Dance for Performance 

5 sessions

Dawn has extensive experience in supporting pupils and teachers to create choreography for short performances. Over the 5 sessions, we will cover:

•    Practical dance warm up and cool downs
•    Creating an effective and fun rehearsal plan
•    Tips for ensuring the choreography is inclusive and fully engages everyone
•    Creative tasks to generate relevant and theme appropriate moves
•    Peer to peer critical feedback and rehearsal direction
•    Considering props, lighting, sound and costumes
•    Aligning the performance preparation to outcomes 
•    Dance lesson plan creation for year on year delivery 

Introduction to Dance for Performance

2 sessions

Dawn has extensive experience in supporting pupils and teachers to create choreography for short performances. These sessions will cover:

•    Introduction to choreography
•    Practical dance warm up and cool downs
•    Creating an effective and fun rehearsal plan
•    Tips for ensuring the choreography is inclusive and fully engages everyone

Developing Dance Lessons across school 

5 sessions

Dawn Hartley has extensive experience in designing and delivering dance lessons in schools. She is passionate about sharing skills with Teachers to give everyone the tools and confidence to deliver dance. Through analysing basic movement and introducing a range of new skills, Teachers will gain skills in designing subject linked relevant lessons and gain confidence to effectively deliver fun and engaging Dance sessions. 

Over the 5 sessions, we will cover:

•    Practical dance warm up and cool downs
•    Creative and active tasks to generate relevant and theme appropriate moves
•    Peer to peer critical feedback 
•    Working with external stimuli (poetry, props, art work etc)
•    Dance lesson plan creation for year on year delivery 


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